When you think you know it all, when you try to lecture other… that’s when life hits you like a hurricane and leaves you naked like a newborn baby.
You may be wearing big theories combined with great advice for others, but all of a sudden you find yourself empty, lost, and knowing that you have to relearn, which is much harder than simply learning.
Failing again by approaching the wrong person, letting people in to steal a piece of you, distinguishing between who’s truly willing to give a helping hand and who’s bringing a rotten apple with him, the one who deserves to stay or the one who should stay away from you.
Laughing again and taking the world by storm, seeing in color the whole gray scale…. having dreams and fighting for them, feeling happy enough to face new challenges and to have on your face the best of your smiles (or at least trying to).
Listen to the voice within, love yourself a bit harder in order to be able to fall and get yourself back up as many times as you need.
You know what they say… evolve or die. For the good and the bad… I will relearn!