Today I’ve got out of the wrong side of the bed: stepping on my left foot first. Yes, that foot that is called the bad one. That one that implies that a day is going to be full of uncertainties when he’s the first one who touches the floor when you wake up.

I’ve got out of the wrong side of the bed: stepping on my left foot first, that one that is never shown facing forwards on my Instagram pictures. That one that is always shown sideways while my left foot is in the foreground.

Yes, he’s my different foot. I’ll avoid calling it bad, just different… That one that shows his profile with different postures. It is also the one that shows his personality in those pictures drawing the attention in a visual way due to the originality of how he is portrayed. That twisted finger is a mystery, thus my left foot is as well. My right foot is jealous of him, since his beauty is a fact and therefore always portrayed, which forces him to constantly be in perfect conditions. He envies the naturality and freshness of my left foot.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I’ve got out of the wrong side of the bed: stepping on my left foot first. And that implies that it’s going to be an original day, and why not… with some mystery. I’d like to wake up more often this way.

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